For one, he doesn't want to dismantle the federal government:
"We have had regulatory agencies always to curb the abuses or potential abuses of the capitalist system. This is not a totally laissez-faire country"For another, he complied with campaign finance reform.
For the 2008 election, he had to appeal to the conservative base, and that was the beginning of the end for him. He had cozy up to the folks who elected Bush, twice. This was not easy. In fact, McCain's top political strategist had considered running on a third party ticket, but he
"quickly concluded that the American political system made it all but impossible for such a party to win. 'This system, as it's presently set up, automatically pulls good people to a darker side of politics'".
Why are the American people left to choose from only two parties? How are two parties supposed to represent all of our interests from Brooklyn to Berkeley and all the vastness in between?
I agree that a three party system will not work because a viable third party would take votes from both sides of the spectrum. The Republicans and the Democrats would not allow that to happen.
We need 5 parties.
In a multi-party world, McCain could support campaign finance reform and all of his core beliefs without sacrifice and changing his message.
Voters would have the choice to vote based on issues important to them without being forced to clamber up on a campaign platform straining to accommodate the masses.
Granted, the federal level will be the last level to change.
The "parties" reform must take place at a local level.
Imagine, Democrats and Republicans in our city councils and state legislatures being replaced by candidates from the Green Party, Working Families Party and Libertarians.
The result would be twofold:
- A more representational government could eliminate the lock hold that special interests have on our political process
- Individuals will become more engaged in civic endeavors if they feel their specific interests are represented